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Four Basic Beginner Tips:

  1. Establish a bankroll of 20 to 50 units – preferably $5 each. Recognize that baccarat is usually a high-limit game, you may have risk 20 units of $25 each or $500.


  1. Get a scorecard when you enter the game, and chart each decision using the standard notation of P for players and B for bank.


  1. Bet single units, or $25 a hand, for the first 20 to 30 hands of the shoe.


Watch carefully howe the game unfolds during the first 20 to 30 hands, looking for obvious trends in the game. For example, in the shoe “choppy”, with P and B alternating back and forth for many hands in successsion; that is P, B, P, B, P, B? Is the game exhibiting short-term streaks like P, P, P, B, P, B, B, B ? or perhaps you detect another choppy trend like B, B, P, P, B, B, P, P, B, P.


More Advance Baccarat Tips:


Card counting techniques, which proved so effective at winning at blackjack, have been attracting a lot of study lately as a winning method at baccarat. Here’s how they work.


In baccarat, just like blackjack, the removal of cards from play creates situations where the changes of receiving particular cards or combinations of cards change. The removal of certain types of cards favor the Player while others favor the Banker.


A good count strategy shows you how to recognize situations that favor betting Banker and others where Player is the better bet. By judiciously alterning bets with the count, a card counter can improve his or her chances at the table and win money at baccarat.


The basic theory is low cards favor the Player position, and high cards favor the Banker. Certain cards have little effect and are considered neutral. Counters track the removal of these cards, betting the Player position when there is a higher ratio a higher ratio of the high cards remaining.


  1. Bacarat players, including high rollers, look for trends, like these and then either to continue or revese. For example, if the first 30 hands are choppy, a gambler might start betting for streaks to occur; that is, he continues betting whatever the last hand was. If it was P, he bets P; if B, he bets B. He might start raising his bet on this next hand, anticipating a favorable streak. On the other hand, if a gambler notices a streaky shoe in these first 30 hands or so, he might bet for these streaks to reverse. You have to decide which way to go when you notice a trend. Do you go with it or against it? Remember, we’re gambling here and there is no way of predicting for certain what will happen.


  1. If you’re in a streaky shoe, with both P and B participating on short-term streaks, play these streaks to continue with a paroli of three. This simply means parley your bet twice, going for a win of three hands in succession. You bet $25 and win. Let it ride and bet $50. If it wins, let it ride once more and bet the $100. On any loss or after winning the three hands in a row, revert to a one-unit bet. To start you paroli of three, you could either bet whichever won on the last hand (if P wins, start with P), or go the other way (if P wins, start with B). Just be consistent.


  1. If you’re in a choppy shoe, bet taht whichever side won the last hand will not win three hands in succession. If P won, bet $25 on B. If you lose as P wins again, bet $50 on B; if P wins again, go for ot and bet $100 on B. If you win any of these three hands, you’ve won $25. If you lose all three, you’ve lost $175. Time to withdraw from the game and sit out a few hands or wait for a new shoe.


  1. Some players believe that if P is dominant in the first 30 hands, winning maybe 20 or more hands, that things will even out with B dominating the next 30 hands of hte shoe. (Note that 30 hands represent about half a shoe). If you wish to use this idea, I recommend the consevative approach of flat-betting the last half of the shoe on which ever side is due to come back even out.


Winning With Card Counting:


Card counting techniques, which proved so effective at winning at blackjack, have been attracting a lot of study lately as a winning method at baccarat. Here’s how they work.


In baccarat, just like blackjack, the removal of cards from play creates situations where the changes of receiving particular cards or combinations of cards change. The removal of certain types of cards favor the Player while others favor the Banker.


A good count Togel Singapore strategy shows you how to recognize situations that favor betting Banker and others where Player is the better bet. By judiciously alterning bets with the count, a card counter can improve his or her chances at the table and win money at baccarat.


The basic theory is low cards favor the Player position, and high cards favor the Banker. Certain cards have little effect and are considered neutral. Counters track the removal of these cards, betting the Player position when there is a higher ratio a higher ratio of the high cards remaining.


Traditional Betting Strategies:


There is very little decision making in baccarat, thus winning strategies were traditionally confined to betting systems and money management techniques. These strategies are based on winning streaks and won/lost trends, going with the positions that are hot and adjusting bets according to whether the last hand won or lost.


These are many interesting approaches available for players who enjoy betting systems. Just keep in mind that these systems don’t change the odds of the games they attempt to defeat.


The House Advantage:


Streaks are what the baccarat players pray for, but unfortunately there is now way to predict them. To my knowledge, there is no way to predict them. To my knowlegde, there is no way to get a statistically verified advantage in this game. Sure, hte game is streaky and you get lucky and ride one, but there is no way to predict these streaks whether they are on the player’s side, on the banker’s side, or chop back and forth.


But, interestingly, the strategies employed by most baccarat players are to detect the streaks or trends in in the show and bet that they will either continue or reverse. Capitalizing on the short term streaks or trends that may occur, a high roller could win $5 million in a single session. But more often he will lose that and more. A loss of $20,000,000 has benn reported fo one session.


Here is a review of the house edge eventually catches up to even the most astute of baccarat players:


Banker Hand – 1.06%

Player Hand – 1.23%

Tie – 14.05%

Baccarat Variations:


European bacarat, Bacarat en banque, and chemin de fer are all descendants of the original Italian game of baccarat, meaning “zero” and referring to value of all 10-count cards.


  1. European Bacarrat

In European bacarrat, in additon to the player’s standing or drawing on 5 as he pleases, the play of the dealer, who operates the permanent bank for the casino, is completely optional. In spite of these options, the decisions of the banker in almost all cases are exactly the same as required by the rules of play for American baccarat. Perfect employment of these options would not increase the fixed percentage in favor of the casino by 0.5 percent. In this game, players who choose to bet with the bank to win are charged 5 percent of their winnings on each bet.


  1. Baccarat en Banque

The game of baccarat en banque is very similar, with the exception that one bank hand and two player hand are dealt. Frequently, the casino leases the bank as a concession to a syndicate that shares 50 percent of it monthly winnings with the casino, but in the event of a loss, the syndicate absords it all. In this version of the game, the player can bet on either or both of the player hands but never on the bank hand. The banker, a casino employee, can stand or draw as he chooses. Normally he will play according to the fixed American baccarat rules, but he can modify procedure to enhance his chances of beating the player hand with greatest amount of money bet on it.


  1. Chemin de Fer

The basic difference in the game of chemin de fer (which is French for “railroad” and refers to the shoe moving around the table like a train) is that the bank rotates among the players. The house acts as a broker, collecting a fee from the winnings of each banker, and therefore assumes no risk. The player who is acting as banker cannot draw down any part of his original bank or subsequent winnings unless either the players do not subscibe to all the bank or, after the completion of any hand, the banker chooses to pass the bank. In this game, the player also has choice of standing or drawing on 5, and the banker’s play is completely optinal. In any of these three games, the experienced American player who has observed the European game long enough to become familiar with the variations in procedure would be able to play a professional game just by using the American baccarat rules.